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Our work

Digital Standard

Digital Standards 

Digital Standards for Global Trade Transformation 

Digital Trade Standards are the building blocks for global interoperability and seamless integration across international supply chains and trade.  We aim to drive transparency and accessibility of trade standards currently in use, and to promote harmonisation and alignment where multiple standards may already exist.  

The Standards Toolkit for Cross-Border Paperless Trade, jointly published with the World Trade Organization, provides an overview of standards  currently in use  in trade and related processes. These include:  

  • Foundational Standards and Identifier Standards for all supply chain actors to reduce translation and enable track and trace technologies. 

  • Standards for Commercial Transactions including those for “Buy,” “Ship” and “Pay” processes. 

  • Transport and Logistics Standards for cargo handling, port/airport clearance and real-time shipment tracking. 

  • Standards for official control documents

  • Interoperable digitalisation frameworks that support the exchange of electronic trade documents. 

The Key Trade Documents and Data Elements (KTDDE) report introduces an integrated framework for digitalising the entire supply chain and targeted recommendations to accelerate the adoption, alignment and digital transformation of all associated processes. The KTDDE Key Documents Analysis offers a detailed breakdown of each of the 36 key trade documents, and the interactive Key Trade Data Glossary, housed within the Cross-Border Paperless Trade (CBPT) Database, acts as an educational resource and a practical tool to support advancements in supply chain digitalisation.

Our aim is to provide an integrated guide to trade data and standards, by document, for the end-to-end supply chain, which will be an indispensable guide for any supply chain player or platform.  

Digital Standard Adoption and Implementation

Digital Standards Adoption and Implementation

Digital standards adoption is a collective effort. We support pilot projects, champion best practices and nurture a learning community of digital trade practitioners and advocates.  

Joint UNECE-ICC Call to Action for Digital Trade 


To drive the widespread adoption of globally interoperable digital standards, DSI has partnered with the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) to issue a joint Call to Action. Launched in July 2024, this Call to Action urges all stakeholders across the global supply chain—public and private—to commit to implementing the digital standards outlined in the KTDDE framework. Actions could include the following:


  • Creating policies conducive to digital trade and uniform regulations

  • Aligning legal systems

  • Adopting globally interoperable standards for national border processes

  • Aligning data definitions and cross-referencing common standards for global interoperability, among others


Review the full Call to Action and show your commitment to adopting digital standards by submitting your pledge through this form.

Pilot for innovation

Our innovation pilots, fostered in collaboration with both public and private sectors, provide secure testing grounds for experimentation. These pilots aren't just trials; they're sources of valuable insights, highlighting challenges and avenues for refinement. Working alongside industry experts, users, and solution providers, we ensure that recommended standards are pragmatic, effective, and fit for purpose. Simultaneously, we are empowering organisations with a wealth of proven strategies and real case studies to construct robust business cases and navigate implementation with confidence. 

 Visit our Resources page to find a collection of pilots and best practices that we and our partners have led.  

Ecosystem movement

We mobilise industry champions, early adopters and supply chain leaders to collaborate for mutual benefit. The FIT Alliance, comprising DCSA, BIMCO, FIATA, ICC, and SWIFT, was formed in February 2022 to raise awareness and accelerate adoption of a universal electronic bill of lading (eBL).  In Sept 2023, it launched a ‘Declaration of the electronic Bill of Lading’ to secure the support of various stakeholders including Shippers, Corporates, Solution Providers, Banks and Freight Forwarders towards a universal electronic bill of lading (eBL).  Find out more about the declaration HERE

There have been significant momentum behind eBL adoption among FIT Alliance member organisations.  Through BIMCO’s “25 by 25 Pledge” and DCSA’s “100% eBL by 2030” initiative, some of the world’s largest bulk shippers and 9 of the top 10 ocean carriers have committed to switch their B/Ls to eBLs within two to seven years.  26 of FIATA’s Association members have adopted the eFBL (electronic FIATA bill of lading) and have begun to distribute it to their members. 

Technologies and the Trust Supply Chain

Technologies and the Trust Supply Chain

As we work toward digitalising trade by automating the sharing of standardised data elements from key trade documents, ensuring the security, verification, and authenticity of this data is crucial. While many supply chains rely on their own digital platforms, the real challenge is creating global frameworks that enable interoperability across different systems.

Trust Supply Chain

In the Trust in Trade paper, DSI introduced the concept of a “Trust supply chain” which builds on existing physical, financial, and information supply chains.


This new layer, founded on three core principles, is designed to enhance the speed, efficiency, and transparency of global trade by ensuring digital data is both verifiable and trustworthy.


Zero trust architecture

backed by cryptographically produced verifiability 


Digital ID

for all parties along the supply chain


Interoperability for all data

implying alignment with global standards in all instances. 

Reliability Assessment Framework 


To put these principles into action and support the global adoption of digital trade, DSI partnered with the Digital Governance Council (DGC) of Canada to lead the development of the Reliability Assessment Framework. This framework is the world’s first technical assessment tool for solution providers that facilitate the transfer of electronic transferable records (ETRs) between supply chain parties.


Now available in beta, the self-assessment framework is designed to align with the definition of reliability set out in the UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Transferable Records (MLETR). It helps solution providers showcase the dependability of their systems for transferring electronic transferable records (ETRs), such as electronic bills of lading, which are essential to global trade. This framework is a key step toward building market confidence in digital trade solutions and paving the way for a universal credential that establishes trust in the digital trade ecosystem. Explore the framework here 


Watch the Webinar recording of the Reliability Assessment Framework launch here

Industry Support


Many industry players and stakeholders have contributed to developing and testing this framework, recognizing its potential to transform global trade. Read what some of them have to say.

French Government’s Legal Working Group

“For an electronic record to be recognized as equivalent to the comparable paper document, singularity, integrity and control of the electronic record must be ensured. To achieve this purpose an assessment framework for reliability that is internationally accepted is a critical component of any country’s implementation of MLETR. It will give clarity to the market and enhanced the trust in the electronic records as being equivalent to the comparable paper negotiable documents.”

Dominique Doise, Chair of the Legal working group under the French Government’s transposition of MLETR to French Law

Legal Reform

Legal Reform

We engage the public sector to progress legislative reform and build capacity to implement digital trade. 

Recognising the Legality of Trade Documents in Digital Form 

The Model Law on Electronic Transferable Records (MLETR) drafted by UNCITRAL creates an enabling legal framework for paperless trade. It provides an international framework to align national laws and enable the legal use of electronic transferrable records both domestically and across borders. 

As a dynamic catalyst, DSI offers unparalleled support to countries aiming to align with the MLETR framework. From conceptualisation and consultation to comprehensive capacity building, DSI serves as a comprehensive hub, providing an array of invaluable resources, including: 

  • a detailed Roadmap 

  • a Tracker that monitors global alignment progress 

  • a repository of frequently encountered questions 

Policy and Regulatory Environment

Policy and Regulatory Environment

Legal reforms to enable the digitalisation of trade documents work together with an enabling regulatory environment that supports the digitalisation of trade. Regulatory policies that prioritise trade facilitation, the use of global standards, single windows, and paperless trade work together to enhance the global trade ecosystem.   

Trade facilitation policies streamline customs procedures, cut operational costs, and expedite the movement of goods. When combined with legal reform, these regulations create an enabling environment for digitalisation, enhancing the efficiency of trade operations. They foster trust and transparency among traders, enabling them to confidently embrace digital processes for document exchange and transactions. 

Creating an Inclusive Global Trade Environment

Legislative reforms that allow for paperless trade will also increase the participation of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in global trade and boost growth as countries recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, making trade more efficient as digital information is shared seamlessly across jurisdictions.  

DSI provides a platform for sharing lessons learned and propelling nations forward in a nation’s MLETR alignment journey, bringing about a harmonised future for international trade.  View our MLETR Toolkit .  

Facilitating Legal Reform for Digital Trade 

At the heart of our legal alignment and regulatory enablement effort lies the Legal Reform Advisory Board, which supports the achievement of an enabling environment for digital trade.  A careful limit of 30 members, exclusive of Co-Chair positions, ensures focused and efficient discourse.  

Measuring Economies’ Readiness for Digital Trade

In collaboration with The Milken Institute and theAsia Global Institute, DSI has developed the Global Trade Modernisation Index (GTMI), to engage the public and private sector about the building blocks for competitiveness through digital trade. Find out more about the Index and its panel of advisors here.

Building Capacity 

Building Capacity 

We work with the public sector to build capacity to implement and benefit from digital trade by promoting and facilitating the adoption of MLETR.  

Public Sector Capacity Building

DSI, together with the Asian Development Bank and UNCITRAL, holds in-person and virtual capacity-building sessions on MLETR with targeted public sector officials to help smoothen the adoption process of MLETR.   

 +  Objectives of these capacity-building sessions: 

  • Awareness-raising, advocacy, and local capacity building 

  • Identify and support local champions in participating jurisdictions 

  • Assist in the preparation of local legislative frameworks for MLETR adoption 

  • Promote international best practices across participating jurisdictions 

 +  Countries engaged and committed to adopt:

  • China

  • Georgia

  • Cambodia

  • ASEAN 

    • Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore. Thailand, Vietnam

  • Commonwealth

    • ​Africa – Botswana, Cameroon, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Kenya, Kingdom of Eswatini, Lesotho, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozamique, Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Togo, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia

    • Asia – Blangladesh, Brunei, India, Malaysia, Maldives, Pakistan, Singapore, Sri Lanka

    • Caribbean and Americas – Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Canada, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, Saint Lucia, St Kitts and Nevis, St Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago

    • Europe – Cyprus, Malta, United Kingdom

    • Pacific – Australia, Fiji, Kiribati, Nauru, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu

A 21st-century trade ecosystem needs progressive legal foundations. Nations need an enabling legal framework to recognise trade documents in digital form.  DSI offers unparalleled support to do that by building capabilities within industries and governments to drive the necessary changes across the supply chains. 

Certificate in Digital Trade Strategy

Certificate in Digital Trade Strategy

Unlock the potential of your business in the digital age with our Certificate in Digital Trade Strategy (CDTS). Curated by DSI and jointly produced with ICC Academy, this comprehensive self-paced online course offers a holistic journey through the intricacies of digitising supply chain processes, equipping you with the knowledge to drive informed decisions and shape coherent policies for digital trade.

Led by over 20 industry champions, legal experts, innovators, and public policy officials, the CDTS is a unique opportunity to tap into a wealth of expertise. Whether you're steering the digital strategy or spearheading transformation within organizations with global supply chains, this course is tailored to empower your journey. 

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